Welcome to the hub for Defense!

While the name is temporary, the story is fairly fleshed out. Not everything here will be as set in stone as Reaper Agency. Along with that, these pages are currently not as finished as others. They will be more visually appealing in the future.

Defense is a story about the ramifications of public perception and how it can change history. I've only been working on it since 2024, but it's one of my most developed stories.

The story takes place on Terra, on the continent of Levrin. It follows Rina, a girl in search of the Defender's blade, Mirage, in order to study it, and Melania, her best friend who decided to tag along to protect her. As they go along, they meet new teammates and discover things about themselves that threaten their friendship.

I'm going to keep the information here as spoiler-free as possible, essentially only giving information that would primarily be available at the beginning of the series. However, I may include some pages that include spoilers, just for clarity's sake. If the spoiler is located on a spoiler-free page, there'll be a dropdown menu to look, as well as a warning on the top of the page.

If you want to look specifically at art from the series, click here!

Story Information

Defense Info


Defense Characters