Finally created the blog page!! With that, the base site is essentially done. I still need to work on some more specific parts of the site, however, like my stories and generally more flourish. That'll come together over time, though. The story stuff is gonna be the fun part but I'm really gonna need to crank out icons for each of my characters. It's midterms week coming up soon so that's gonna take a bit... Once I get home though I'll be able to dedicate my time to that. I think the Defense section should be soon, and then after that I can start just going around and do shit. I can definitely make this site a LOT more crazy than it is. I don't know how often I'll update this blog but I'll probably just use it for talking about website updates, my OCs, and maybe rant about my interests. I don't know how interactive I'll make this site either. I've seen people add polls and such to their home page, but I don't know how often I'll be checking up on the site compared to my other social medias. I think I'll just keep it as really elaborate for now.